Blog Author - Bill Tucker
Take advantage of 20% off all non-featured parts this month! Plus, select featured items are on sale! Find a great gift for your avid RV'er!
Here are our featured parts for November 2018! We have everything on sale to get your RV ready for hibernation.
Canada's largest Fall season RV Show has expanded this year! Explore over 270,000 square feet of exhibit space showcasing popular brands in new and non-current Recreation Vehicles; something for every family budget and lifestyle!
Did you miss our Gigantic RV Sales Event? We featured a lot of great RV parts and accessories specials but we have held them over for October. Get your RV cover and winterizing goodies before the cold weather hits!
We have a great selection of parts and accessories featured during our Giagantic RV Sale and Inventory Clearout Event, including 20% off all non-sale items!
Purchase any in-stock 2018 2018 Jayco Eagle or Eagle HT Fifth Wheel and receive a $2,000 Sicard RV Gift Card!
Jayco's new Hummingbird 10RK fiberglass teardrop trailer has arrived at Sicard RV. This tiny towable weighs in at 1,500 lbs and can fit in your garage!
Limited time $2,500 customer incentive available on in-stock Hymer Aktiv motorhomes extended until August 31, 2018.